
Box Lake (near Nakusp) Western Painted Turtle Basking Habitat Enhancement
Box Lake, Nakusp BC
The main purpose of the habitat enhancement was to provide key basking and thermoregulation structures for the Western Painted Turtle population in Box Lake. This project involved installing anchored cedar logs, separated from the lake...
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Supplemental Feeding of Kennedy Siding Caribou Project
Kennedy Siding caribou herd range; central British Columbia Canada
Doug uses camera traps at feeding stations (currently in year 6) to census caribou in the Kennedy Siding Herd in central British Columbia. Photographs allow him to identify each caribou by their unique antler morphology. The process needs...
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Monitoring Vertebrate Biodiversity Through Use of Camera Traps
University of British Columbia (UBC) Farm
Remote camera traps have been deployed in both forested and production areas at UBC Farm to provide data on the vertebrates present. So far 19 cameras have been successfully deployed. Vertebrate biodiversity will be monitored, as well as...
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Timelapse Image Analyzer for Camera Traps
Visually analyzing and tagging data from thousands of images and videos is a painful process. The Timelapse Image Analyser for Camera Traps project develops freely-available software that helps ecologists efficiently do the above. ...
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Richardson Wildfire Project
North-eastern Alberta
58 cameras were deployed in the Richardson backcountry area of northeastern Alberta to measure ungulate (moose, white-tailed deer, and woodland caribou) responses to wildlife, seismic lines, and other anthropogenic activity. Specifically,...
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BC Cat Count
City of Vancouver
Domestic cats (Felis catus) are abundant in urban areas and can have adverse impacts on urban wildlife and pose public health risks. A key component of understanding the impacts of cats, and developing humane, socially acceptable, and...
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Edmonton, Alberta
Remote camera have been deployed to monitor temporal and spatial activity patterns or urban wildlife in Edmonton, Alberta. The study area comprising Edmonton and prescribed 3.2 km buffer is mostly urban with some suburban and peri-urban...
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Alberta Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program
On sites across the province, ABMI deploys sets of four cameras to monitor the occurrence of meso and macro fauna.
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Caribou Conservation through Better Cutblock Design
West-central Alberta
Declines of woodland caribou are linked to human-caused landscape changes that convert mature forests to early seral stands. Early seral stands provide abundant forage that support high populations of primary prey (e.g., deer, moose, and...
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Adopt-a-Camera Citizen Science Project
The main objective of this project is to create a citizen-based camera program to monitor under-sampled habitats from ABMI’s core grid while simultaneously engaging citizens. The project will aim to produce scientifically sound data...
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Collaborative Wildlife Monitoring in NW Alberta Caribou Ranges
Chinchaga and Caribou Mountains
The goal of this project is to estimate ungulate, predator, and bird density in two NW Alberta caribou ranges: Chinchaga and Caribou Mountains. Ungulate and predator densities will be estimated by deploying three grids of 25 cameras across...
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Monitoring Southwestern Alberta's Birds and Mammals
southwestern Alberta
This program is designed to collect data on mammal and bird species by using wildlife cameras and autonomous recording units (ARUs). The plan is to deploy these cameras and ARUs in two separate landscape areas within the Crownest Pass...
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