
Mammalian Use of Riparian Corridors
Squamish, Maple Ridge
We used camera traps to understand how development intensity, stream channel morphology, and other landscape features influence how mammalian communities use stream, riparian, and upland terrestrial habitat types within watersheds. We...
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Southern Interior Mule Deer Project
British Columbia southern interior
The Southern Interior Mule Deer Project operates 250 cameras across 3 study regions from 100 Mile House in the north west to Grand Forks in the south east. The goal of the project is to determine how factors like wildfires, logging,...
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Irgens Creek Species Census
Dusty Rd Fsr access to Dakota Ridge
The purpose of the Irgens Creek Project is to better understand the direct impact of industry activities on mammals and birds, black bear den characteristics and use development, together with how forest harvesting and road building,...
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Human-Wolf Coexistence in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
125 cameras have been deployed in and around Pacific Rim National Park Reserve to quantify wolf activity in relation to human activity and prey availability. This project will demonstrate how wolves operate in a landscape shared with...
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Mammal Occupancy - Jasper National Park
Jasper National Park
A grid of over 100 cameras has been deployed since 2012 within Jasper National Park in coordination with the other mountain national parks to monitor mammal occupancy. A camera has been placed in almost all accessible accessible grid cells...
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Alpine Plant Phenology
Jasper National Park
We are monitoring phenology of alpine vegetation at two scales to be related to climate change, pollinators, and alpine birds to report on the condition and trend of alpine ecosystems in Jasper National Park. Daily timelapse images from...
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The Divii Project
Northern Richardson Mountains
An array of 15 cameras were deployed in 2018 as part of a Gwich'in-led community-based monitoring program for Dall's sheep (divii in Gwich'in language). Local knowledge holders helped deploy the cameras on high-use divii trails. The data...
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Camera trapping survey for mammal community monitoring at three grazing management properties in Gravelotte, South Africa
Gravelotte, Limpopo Province, South Africa
In this study, we used the camera trap survey to access the diversity, abundance, distribution, conservation status and activity rhythms of mammal species in three different property based on cattle management programme: the Holistic...
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Impacts of backcountry recreation on wildlife in Mount Robson Provincial Park
Mount Robson Provincial Park
The Berg Lake Trail in Mount Robson Provincial Park attracts around 115,000 hikers each year, with 1000 hikers using the trail each day during peak season. Following flooding events in 2021, the trail was closed for repairs and is set to...
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Rapid Biodiversity Assessment in the mid-hills
Lamjung, Nepal
55 camera traps were deployed for about 2 months period in the northern forest of Lamjung district in central Nepal. The aim of the camera trapping was to document the mammal species in the area with Rapid Biodiversity Assessment approach....
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Kootenay Density Project
Flathead Valley
The Kootenay Density Project is a collaboration between the ACME Lab, the Government of BC and UBC’s Wildlife Coexistence Lab. At its core, this project aims to evaluate the quality of science underpinning moose management in BC. We are...
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Columbia Mountain Camera Project
Lake Revelstoke / Columbia Mountains Valley
Wildlife cameras were deployed in 2022 to monitor spatiotemporal occurrences of several focal species in multiple habitat types within the Columbia mountain ranges surrounding Lake Revelstoke, from the town of Revelstoke to Mica Dam in BC....
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