
Wildlife-Park Visitor Interaction in South BC Coast Parks

Compiled here is a list of current and past projects with wildlife cameras in western Canada undertaken by our membership. You can click on any of the projects to learn more about them, or explore the map. You can also access our searchable database here,  where you can sort or search for projects by target species, affiliation, region, etc.

Supplemental Feeding of Kennedy Siding Caribou Project

Supplemental Feeding of Kennedy Siding Caribou Project

Kennedy Siding caribou herd range; central British Columbia Canada

Doug uses camera traps at feeding stations (currently in year 6) to census caribou in the Kennedy Siding Herd in central British Columbia. Photographs allow him to identify each caribou by their unique antler morphology. The process needs...

Sustaining Mesocarnivore Populations and Habitat in Lower Mainland Watersheds

Sustaining Mesocarnivore Populations and Habitat in Lower Mainland Watersheds

Golden Ears Provincial Park and the Stave Watershed

This project will use non-invasive survey techniques to evaluate the distribution, habitat use, and human-caused threats of mesocarnivore populations in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. This information is necessary to help trappers...

The Algar Wildlife Monitoring Project

The Algar Wildlife Monitoring Project

Algar Region, northeastern Alberta

The Algar Seismic Restoration Pilot Project was an industry-led initiative between 2012 and 2015 that aimed to restore seismic lines in caribou habitat within the Algar herd range (East Side Athabasca River population, northeastern...

The Divii Project

The Divii Project

Northern Richardson Mountains

An array of 15 cameras were deployed in 2018 as part of a Gwich'in-led community-based monitoring program for Dall's sheep (divii in Gwich'in language). Local knowledge holders helped deploy the cameras on high-use divii trails. The data...

The East Slopes Predators Project

The East Slopes Predators Project

Kananaskis Country

The East Slopes Predators project (2011-2014) examined the response of Mountain Predator communities in the Rockies to landscape development. Over 3 years all species from grizzly bears and wolverines to marten were surveyed using remote...

The Impact of Tourisms on the Ecosystems and Fauna of the Huascaran National Park, Peru

The Impact of Tourisms on the Ecosystems and Fauna of the Huascaran National Park, Peru

Huascaran National Park

Evaluate the response of the native mammal fauna during the lockdown in Huascaran National Park

The Moraine Mesocarnivore Project

The Moraine Mesocarnivore Project

The Beaver Hills Biosphere

The Moraine Mesocarnivore Project investigated the degree to which the network of protected areas, private woodlots, and developed land within the mixed-use landscape of central Alberta's heartland maintains mammalian diversity, and...

The Sea-to-Sky Mammal Monitoring Project

The Sea-to-Sky Mammal Monitoring Project

Sea-to-Sky Country

Cameras have been deployed across parts of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (Squamish, Pemberton, Whistler) at 5 local sites to understand the the impact of recreation on animal populations through investigating how humans and...

The Willmore Biodiversity Research Project

The Willmore Biodiversity Research Project

Willmore Wilderness

The Willmore Biodiversity Research Project (2009-2012) deployed 60 cameras across a fully protected Mountain landscape to understand the effects of topography and natural mountain heterogeneity on mammal species ranging from flying...

Timelapse Image Analyzer for Camera Traps

Timelapse Image Analyzer for Camera Traps


Visually analyzing and tagging data from thousands of images and videos is a painful process. The Timelapse Image Analyser for Camera Traps project develops freely-available software that helps ecologists efficiently do the above. ...

Townsend's Big-eared Bat Maternity Colony Relocation Monitoring

Townsend's Big-eared Bat Maternity Colony Relocation Monitoring

Qualicum Beach and Qualicum National Wildlife Area

Wildlife cameras are being used to monitor bat use at an old bat house due to be deconstructed in 2020, and at a new bat condo recently constructed, as a potential new abode for the colony.