
Wildlife-Park Visitor Interaction in South BC Coast Parks

Compiled here is a list of current and past projects with wildlife cameras in western Canada undertaken by our membership. You can click on any of the projects to learn more about them, or explore the map. You can also access our searchable database here,  where you can sort or search for projects by target species, affiliation, region, etc.

Mesocarnivore, Wolf, and Bear Population Viability and Connectivity in the Seton River Watershed

Mesocarnivore, Wolf, and Bear Population Viability and Connectivity in the Seton River Watershed

Seton River Watershed

This research is predominantly focused on wildlife, habitat and conservation; targeted species include primarily mesocarnivores (wolverine, lynx, etc.) as well as wolf, grizzly and black bears. We currently have 55 wildlife cameras...

Monitoring Southwestern Alberta's Birds and Mammals

Monitoring Southwestern Alberta's Birds and Mammals

southwestern Alberta

This program is designed to collect data on mammal and bird species by using wildlife cameras and autonomous recording units (ARUs). The plan is to deploy these cameras and ARUs in two separate landscape areas within the Crownest Pass...

Monitoring Vertebrate Biodiversity Through Use of Camera Traps

Monitoring Vertebrate Biodiversity Through Use of Camera Traps

University of British Columbia (UBC) Farm

Remote camera traps have been deployed in both forested and production areas at UBC Farm to provide data on the vertebrates present. So far 19 cameras have been successfully deployed. Vertebrate biodiversity will be monitored, as well as...

Oak Bay Urban Deer Project

Oak Bay Urban Deer Project

Oak Bay

The Urban Deer Project uses a combination of camera traps and satellite telemetry to better understand the urban black-tailed deer of Oak Bay for the purposes of informing management. 39 cameras have been deployed throughout the...

Of Mice and Moose: Impacts of Forest Harvest Practices on Mammal Communities

Of Mice and Moose: Impacts of Forest Harvest Practices on Mammal Communities

Alex Fraser and John Prince Research Forests, Caven Creek Cutblocks

This project focuses on the wildlife that use and frequent a gradient of forest harvesting methods in the Interior of BC. The experimental design involves three replicates of five forest harvesting treatments at three sites: Jaffray...

Rapid Biodiversity Assessment in the mid-hills

Rapid Biodiversity Assessment in the mid-hills

Lamjung, Nepal

55 camera traps were deployed for about 2 months period in the northern forest of Lamjung district in central Nepal. The aim of the camera trapping was to document the mammal species in the area with Rapid Biodiversity Assessment approach....

Recreational Impacts on the Wildlife of the South Chilcotins

Recreational Impacts on the Wildlife of the South Chilcotins

South Chilcotin Mountains Provincial Park

64 wildlife cameras have been deployed with the South Chilcotin Mountains Provincial Park and adjacent Mining and Tourism Areas (MTAs) to investigate the effects of multiple types of recreation's impacts on the wildlife living within the...

Richardson Wildfire Project

Richardson Wildfire Project

North-eastern Alberta

58 cameras were deployed in the Richardson backcountry area of northeastern Alberta to measure ungulate (moose, white-tailed deer, and woodland caribou) responses to wildlife, seismic lines, and other anthropogenic activity. Specifically,...

Sechelt Peninsula - Mammal Camera Study

Sechelt Peninsula - Mammal Camera Study

Sechelt Peninsula

Conservation and management of Roosevelt Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) requires accurate and precise population estimates. Current regional inventory methods involve aerial inventory surveys with corrections for sightability based on...

Southern Interior Mule Deer Project

Southern Interior Mule Deer Project

British Columbia southern interior

The Southern Interior Mule Deer Project operates 250 cameras across 3 study regions from 100 Mile House in the north west to Grand Forks in the south east. The goal of the project is to determine how factors like wildfires, logging,...

Southern Interior Mule Deer Project

Southern Interior Mule Deer Project

Southern Interior

With an aim to learn how to best restore mule deer populations in the southern interior, 160 cameras have been deployed in conjunction with the collaring of 150 mule deer does and fawns to gain insight into how landscape change and the...