Kootenay Remote Camera Monitoring Project
Kootenay Remote Camera Monitoring Project
The Kootenay Region has a great diversity of wildlife including seven ungulate species (mountain goat, bighorn sheep, moose, mule deer, white-tailed deer, caribou and elk) and seven large carnivores (black bear, grizzly bear, wolf, coyote, cougar, lynx, and bobcat). The Kootenay Region Terrestrial Section monitors trends for these large mammals to ensure sustainable use of harvested species and to develop or refine management objectives for all species in a changing landscape. They also require information on the size and trend of wildlife populations to prioritize habitat conservation and recovery activities, and to monitor effectiveness of restoration efforts in the region. The broad objective of this project is to monitor large mammals for changes in occupancy over time.
Project Leads: Emily Chow
Affiliations: Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations And Rural Development; University of British Columbia Okanagan; University of Montana; Parks Canada
Focal Species: Bighorn Sheep; Bobcat; Black Bear; Canada Lynx; Caribou; Cougar; Coyote; Elk; Grey Wolf; Grizzly Bear; Moose; Mountain Goat; Mule Deer; White-Tailed Deer