Columbia Mountain Camera Project

Columbia Mountain Camera Project

Wildlife cameras were deployed in 2022 to monitor spatiotemporal occurrences of several focal species in multiple habitat types within the Columbia mountain ranges surrounding Lake Revelstoke, from the town of Revelstoke to Mica Dam in BC. Cameras have been placed on game trails/ resource roads/ powerlines to increase the likelihood of detection in this dense inland rainforest. The project's main objectives are to monitor primary prey abundance in response to land-use and climate change, as well as management actions that exist to increase endangered caribou. The design includes a gradient from protected areas (National Park) to multiple-use Provincial lands.

Project Leads: Biodiversity Pathways

Affiliations: Wildlife Science Centre; Parks Canada

Focal Species: Black Bear; Cougar; Coyote; Elk; Grey Wolf; Grizzly Bear; Moose; Mule Deer; White-Tailed Deer; Wolverine; All mammals