Tyler Muhly

Tyler works in the Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development, using data to develop information on wildlife that supports statutory decision makers in evidence-based decision making. He has used camera traps to collect data on wildlife in both Alberta and British Columbia. He chaired the committee that developed the provincial camera trap protocol for British Columbia, the RISC Wildlife Camera Data Protocol, and is also a current member of the WildCAM steering committee.
Affiliations: British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development; University of British Columbia
Species Studied: Black Bear; Cougar; Coyote; Domestic Cattle; Elk; Grey Wolf; Grizzly Bear; Moose; Mule Deer; White-Tailed Deer; People; All
Human-Wildlife Use of Roads and Trails in Southwest Alberta
43 camera traps were deployed on roads and trails in southwest Alberta to record the occurrence of eleven large mammal species, including humans and domestic cattle. Detections were used to investigate whether high human use of roads and...