Sherry Young

Sherry Young is a Ph.D Candidate in Biological Sciences at Simon Fraser University. After a Bachelor Degree in Biology Ecology at the University of Nantes in France and a Master in arctic/boreal Ecology at Umeā University in Sweden, she enrolled in a snow leopard conservation project in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. She joined the Snow Leopard Trust (SLT) as a research assistant and participated in the deployment of camera traps across several regions in Kyrgyzstan. After a year in the field, she joined Dr. Ron Ydenberg's research team at the Centre Wildlife Ecology to perform a Ph.D. on mountain ecosystem resilience in Central Asia. Her work mainly focuses on comparing various methods to monitor a landscape and communities at various trophic levels. The pandemic limited her involvement in field-based methods in Central Asia and therefore shifted her focus on monitoring an ecosystem through the exclusive use of remotely sensed data. Sherry is now investigating how camera traps could be used differently to monitor alpine ecosystems through species' phenology and spatial distribution.
Affiliations: Simon Fraser University
Species Studied: Marmot Spp.