Pamela Zevit
Pamela Zevit is a Registered Professional Biologist in BC, Canada whose career has focused on conserving natural capital through bridging applied science, practice and policy. Her core areas of interest revolve around species at risk and biodiversity conservation, environmental literacy and landscape ecology in landscapes undergoing urbanization pressures. Through work on BC's South Coast, as well as broader provincial, national and international collaborations, Pamela's career has stretched over two decades. She has built her skills and expertise through various roles in the public and private sector, first as a Conservation Planner for the Province of BC and after leaving the public service, as an independent adviser, researcher and consultant. Starting in 2010 She took on the role as Program Coordinator for the South Coast Conservation Program until beginning a new phase of her career journey in 2019 as the Biodiversity Conservation Planner for the City of Surrey in southwest BC.
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Affiliations: College of Applied Biologists; Association of Professional Biology