Cora Skaien
Cora Skaien is a professional biologist working on various science-based conservation projects as a contracted professional or hired employee with various non-profits and government bodies. Her PhD dissertation focused on eco-evolutionary dynamics within the Garry oak and maritime meadow ecosystem, and how these dynamics contribute to conservation considerations. Although her work for approximately a decade focused on restoration of ecosystems relative to herbivore exclusion, she have shifted my focus towards wildfire research in the past few years, working both with assessing results of prescribed burns and with assessing impacts of wildfires across BC. At present, she is investigating the impacts of fuel mitigation and wildfires across the landscape on vegetation, wildlife use and water quality, using camera traps to investigate habitat use between burned sites at various burn severities compared to unburned sites.
Species Studied: Black Bear; Grizzly Bear; Elk; Mule Deer; White-Tailed Deer; Coyote; Wolverine; Bobcat; Canada Lynx; Moose
Fuel Management and Wildfire Impacts on Vegetation, Wildlife and Water Quality Given Climate Change
Wildlife cameras have been deployed throughout two regions burned by wildfire, one in 2018 and one in 2021, with cameras within unburned control sites, and burned sites at various burn severities. Many cameras are also up in two unburned...