Bill Harrower

Bill is a Carnivore Conservation Professional in Conservation Science Section of the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy and a Research Associate at in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences at UBC. He is focused on mesocarnivore conservation issues province-wide including conservation and management of fisher, wolverine, and lynx. He currently oversees a camera trapping program in the Fraser Valley that seeks quantify human impacts on mesocarnivore communities, uses cameras to monitor snowshoe hare inventory sites, and analyzes data from wolverine and fisher genetic and camera tagging studies.

Affiliations: Conservation Science Section, British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy; University of British Columbia

Species Studied: American Marten; Bobcat; Canada Lynx; Coyote; Fisher; Skunk spp.; Wolverine; Other Mustelid spp.; Common Raccoon
