Timelapse Image Analyzer for Camera Traps

Timelapse Image Analyzer for Camera Traps

Visually analyzing and tagging data from thousands of images and videos is a painful process. The Timelapse Image Analyser for Camera Traps project develops freely-available software that helps ecologists efficiently do the above. Timelapse reads and displays images and videos from any type of remote camera. It automatically extracts information from all images such as dates, times and metadata of your choosing. It allows the ecologist to configure a custom interface for entering data specific to the ecology project. It have various visual search tools for examining image details including a magnifying glass, pan and zoom and image enhancement. It facilitates rapid data entry, especially for repetitious data common to many images. It saves all data in a database, where data can also be exported to Excel. It includes a search engine so you can investigate subsets of your images quickly. It also works with image recognition data supplied by a 3rd party (currently Microsoft's AI for Earth project), where that data can further simplify the ecologist's workflow. And much more...

Project Leads: Saul Greenberg

Affiliations: University of Calgary

Focal Species: All